Title Content type
IX Congreso AIETI Event
Un nuevo marco legal para la accesibilidad en televisión digital Publication
La localización de webs dinámicas. Objetos, métodos, presente y futuro Publication
From game accessibility to universally accessible games Publication
How to make universally accessible video games Publication
Características diferenciales de la traducción publicitaria. El papel del traductor de anuncios. Publication
Buenas prácticas de accesibilidad en videojuegos Publication
Directorio de enlaces útiles relacionados con la accesibilidad en videojuegos Publication
Game accessibility for the blind. Current overview and the potential application of audio description as the way forward Publication
Is audiovisual translation putting the concept of translation up against the ropes? Publication
Audio Description with audio subtitling. An emergent modality of audiovisual localisation Publication
Diálogos intertextuales 5. Between text and receiver: translation and accessibility. Publication
Teaching game localisation. Translation competence and curriculum design Conference Presentation
Multimodality and dubbing in video games. A research approach Publication
Researching Audio Description: Translation, Delivery and New Scenarios Project
Videojuegos y normalización lingüística. Localización de "Maniac Mansion" al gallego Publication
Fostering unity in diversity. The social value of European research on media accessibility Publication
Journey to the East. Cultural adaptation of video games for the Chinese market Publication
Video games localisation. Posing new challenges to the translator Publication
Subtitling in the fast lane. The future of localisation workflows Conference Presentation