Title Content type
Investigating new technologies to improve accessibility and visitor experience Conference Presentation
Accessibility in digital cinema. A proposal for generation and distribution of audio description Publication
VISP 2.0. Methodological considerations for the design and implementation of an audiodescription based app to improve oral skills Publication
Can acessible ICT tools foster migrant integration in European countries? Publication
Media for All 2021 and ARSAD 2021: save the date! News
Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the Accessibility of the Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Bodies MAP Item
Mainstreaming audio description through technology Publication
Delivery approaches in audio description for the scenic arts Publication
Effects of screen size on subtitle layout preferences and comprehension across devices Publication
No audience left behind, one app fits all. An integrated approach to accessibility services Publication
HELIOS. A Context-aware Distributed Social Networking Framework Project
Audio description for the screen Publication
Intelligent Automatic Sign Language Translation Project
Máster en comunicación accesible para una sociedad diversa Training Course
Especialización en gestión de la accesibilidad en la comunicación y en la información Training Course
Curs en accessibilitat digital. Documents, webs i xarxes socials accessibles Training Course
Interlingual accessibility in theatre. Interpreting, surtitles, iPads Conference Presentation