Type: Publication
Title Type Subtype
Are we all together across languages? An eye tracking study of original and dubbed films Publication Book chapter
Audiovisual translation in the age of digital transformation. Industrial and social implications Publication Book chapter
Auteur dubbing. Translation, performance and authorial control in the dubbed versions of Stanley Kubrick’s films Publication Book chapter
Constructing youth identities in dubbed movies. A view from Italy Publication Book chapter
English films vs. Italian films. A comparative analysis via the Pavia Corpus of Film Dialogue and the WordSmith Tools Publication Book chapter
Fandubbing across time and space. From dubbing "by fans for fans" to cyberdubbing Publication Book chapter
Gayspeak and gay subjects in audiovisual translation. Strategies in Italian dubbing Publication Journal article
Intersections. Audiovisual translation at the crossroads of disciplines Publication Journal article
Locked into dubbing. Retracing the origins, establishment and fortune of Italy's mainstream AVT practice Publication Book chapter
More than words can say. Exploring prosodic variation in dubbing Publication Book chapter
Reassessing dubbing. Historical approaches and current trends Publication Edited book
Representing orality through questions in original and translated film dialogue Publication Book chapter
Sleeping with the fishes. Italian Americans in animation Publication Book chapter
Talking proper vs. talking with an accent. The sociolinguistic divide in original and translated audiovisual dialogue Publication Journal article
The challenges and opportunities of audiovisual translation. An interview with Frederic Chaume Publication Journal article
The portrayal of real-life people in audiovisual translation Publication Journal article
The problem with culture Publication Book chapter
The sexist translator and the feminist heroine. Politically incorrect language in films and TV Publication Book chapter
Type: Conference Presentation
Title Type
Early to modern cinema in Italy. Strategies for the translation of language varieties in dubbing Conference Presentation
Gender in the translation classroom Conference Presentation