Miquel Pujol-Tubau
Title | Type | Subtype |
La representació de personatges a través del doblatge en narratives transmèdia. Estudi descriptiu de pel·lícules i videojocs basats en "El senyor dels anells" | Publication | PhD thesis |
Secondary characters coloring the complex cultural atmosphere in "Unorthodox". Multilingualism and its translation in watering screen landscapes | Publication | Journal article |
Title | Type |
One license to rule them all. On the dubbing of transmedia video games | Conference Presentation |
Third languages (L3) in transmedia video games and their translation. A case study of "The Witcher 3" | Conference Presentation |
Translating third languages (L3) in audiovisual transmedia texts. The Wolf, the Ring and the Iron Throne | Conference Presentation |
Winter is coming and it speaks third languages (L3) | Conference Presentation |