Accessible filmmaking training. A competency-based curriculum to train filmmakers in media accessibility
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Media for All 10 Conference
The visibility that translation and media accessibility have on Film Studies and on audiovisual training seems to be limited compared to other areas of impact on films (Johnston, 2020). The Accessible Filmmaking (AFM) approach proposes a proactive and collaborative working model for the creation of translated and accessible films, with a flexible training proposal that aim to connect filmmakers with translators and media accessibility experts. For filmmakers, this includes specific content like the characteristics of the end users of translated and accessible films, the history and trends of media accessibility and audiovisual translation, the theory and practice of some modalities focusing on workflows, stakeholders, software and quality guidelines and standards, the AFM rationale and its practical application, and the impact of translation and media accessibility on films (Romero-Fresco, 2019). But what are the competencies of an accessible filmmaker? What curriculum design allows filmmakers to learn about translation and accessibility, and connect it with their usual creative, experimental and reflective practices?
This presentation proposes a competency-based curriculum aimed at training filmmakers in the AFM approach, with special emphasis on learning outcomes, contents, and methodologies necessary to bring filmmakers closer to translation and accessibility. The competency design is based on the results obtained in a set of 25 semi-structured interviews with film students and professionals in Uruguay (Fascioli-Álvarez, forthcoming), as well as the analysis of the training programs of all audiovisual, translation and media accessibility careers in the country. The curriculum has a structure of modules and units, and is drawn on four main competences related to, firstly, the ability to anticipate, that is, to plan, manage, evaluate, and promote translation and accessibility from the early stages of an audiovisual project. Secondly, the collaboration with other professionals and the degree of involvement within the accessibility and translation of a film. Third, the capacity to (co)create film for and with others, without losing sight of the validation stage within an iterative process with end users. And, finally, the potentiality for artistic creation and experimentation on film and media access. The presentation also outlines the preliminary results of the application of this curriculum in a training course for filmmakers within a film festival in Uruguay.
This proposal is underpinned by principles in training and pedagogy used in Audiovisual Translation Studies, but also in Film Studies, Disability Studies and the so-called Accessibility Pedagogy (Greco, 2019).
This presentation proposes a competency-based curriculum aimed at training filmmakers in the AFM approach, with special emphasis on learning outcomes, contents, and methodologies necessary to bring filmmakers closer to translation and accessibility. The competency design is based on the results obtained in a set of 25 semi-structured interviews with film students and professionals in Uruguay (Fascioli-Álvarez, forthcoming), as well as the analysis of the training programs of all audiovisual, translation and media accessibility careers in the country. The curriculum has a structure of modules and units, and is drawn on four main competences related to, firstly, the ability to anticipate, that is, to plan, manage, evaluate, and promote translation and accessibility from the early stages of an audiovisual project. Secondly, the collaboration with other professionals and the degree of involvement within the accessibility and translation of a film. Third, the capacity to (co)create film for and with others, without losing sight of the validation stage within an iterative process with end users. And, finally, the potentiality for artistic creation and experimentation on film and media access. The presentation also outlines the preliminary results of the application of this curriculum in a training course for filmmakers within a film festival in Uruguay.
This proposal is underpinned by principles in training and pedagogy used in Audiovisual Translation Studies, but also in Film Studies, Disability Studies and the so-called Accessibility Pedagogy (Greco, 2019).