Type: Publication
Title Type Subtype
A homogenous or heterogeneous audience? Audio description preferences of persons with congenital blindness, non-congenital blindness and low vision Publication Journal article
AD reception research. Some methodological considerations Publication Book chapter
Audio description made to measure. Reflections on interpretation in AD based on the Pear Tree project data Publication Book chapter
Audio description training. A snapshot of the current practices Publication Journal article
Audiodeskrypcja jako intersemiotyczny przeklad audiowizualny. Percepcja produktu i ocena jakosci Publication Book chapter
Ear-voice span and pauses in intra- and interlingual respeaking. An exploratory study into temporary aspects of the respeaking process Publication Journal article
It’s Crime Time. About the use of colour in SDH Publication Book chapter
Overcoming barriers. The pioneering years of audio description in Poland Publication Book chapter
Paraphrasing in respeaking. Comparing linguistic competence of interpreters, translators and bilinguals Publication Journal article
Paraphrasing in respeaking. Comparing linguistic competence of interpreters, translators and bilinguals Publication Journal article
Percepcja filmu a ogólnoeuropejskie standardy audiodeskrypcji. Polski wklad w projekt Pear Tree Publication Journal article
Polish voice-over of “In excelsis Deo”. Technical constraints and critical points in translation decision-making Publication Journal article
Researching preferences of audio description users. Limitations and solutions Publication Journal article
Subtitling film adaptations of books for deaf students Publication Book chapter
Teaching voiceover in a voiceover land Publication Book chapter
The language of audio description in Dutch. Results of a corpus study Publication Book chapter