Olivia Gerber-Morón
Title | Type |
Are faster subtitle reading speeds changing the nature of subtitling? | Conference Presentation |
Measuring user experience when changing subtitle layout. Preliminary results | Conference Presentation |
One, two, three? An eye tracking study on the readability of two- vs. three-line subtitles | Conference Presentation |
Optimizing subtitle segmentation on smartphones | Conference Presentation |
To break or not to break up with syntax. An eye tracking study on subtitle segmentation | Conference Presentation |
Where to break up? An eyetracking study on line breaks in subtitling | Conference Presentation |
Title | Type | Subtype |
Effects of screen size on subtitle layout preferences and comprehension across devices | Publication | Journal article |
Line breaks in subtitling. An eye tracking study on viewer preferences | Publication | Journal article |
Quality is in the eye of the stakeholders. What do professional subtitlers and viewers think about subtitling? | Publication | Journal article |
Subtitle segmentation quality across screens | Publication | PhD thesis |
Two or three lines. A mixed-methods study on subtitle processing and preferences | Publication | Journal article |