Audio description as a pedagogical tool in the L1 classroom
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9th International conference Media for all
Audio description (AD) is a form of intersemiotic translation that renders the meaning of images into words to make audiovisual products accessible to blind and partially sighted persons, but it can also benefit other audiences.

A set of competences is required for audio describers, as proposed by Díaz Cintas (2007: 52-57): first and foremost, a solid linguistic competence, especially in the mother tongue (L1), although a good command of English or other possible source languages of foreign films is a plus. Extralinguistic competences, such as knowledge of film language and of visual disability are also needed, as well as applied competences such as computing, documentation, or vocal skills. Finally, in terms of personal attitude, audio describers should develop, among others, their analytic and synthetic abilities.

Practising audio description in educational settings should help with the acquisition of these skills. In fact, several research projects have shown the benefits of using AD as a teaching tool with advanced foreign language learners to develop their L2 linguistic skills and other abilities such as strategic competence and technical skills (Ibañez Moreno & Vermeulen 2013; Calduch & Talaván 2017; Rica Peromingo & Sáenz Herrero 2019).

Our study explores the use of AD in the L1 classroom, as AD is primarily written in the same language as the audiovisual material being described. The project is being conducted with an L1 class in a secondary school in Catalonia. The main aim is to explore the benefits of practising AD for developing L1 skills, especially lexical and phraseological abilities in the Catalan language, as students look for accurate words to describe what they see and express themselves in the shortest and clearest way possible. The project is a collaboration between two researchers, an audio describer and a Catalan teacher who guide students through the process of audio describing a short film.

As argued above, we expect that beyond L1 competence, students gain other benefits from practising AD, as it offers an interdisciplinary experience where they work in a team on a film and film analysis and get to practise using film editing software. Last but not least, an important aim of the project is to raise awareness on blindness and functional diversity among secondary school students.
Submitted by Estibaliz Cabañes on Tue, 13/06/2023 - 15:32