Go4DiGreen. How digital accessibility can help refugee entrepreneurs to contribute to the European Green Deal
Conference name
Green digital accessibility
The Go4DiGreen project aims to improve the situation of refugees in Europe by improving their digital and entrepreneurial skills. Digital skills are crucial for working life and social inclusion. However, there are great inequalities in both developed and developing countries. The COVID 19 pandemic has made the situation worse, especially for refugees who are one of the most vulnerable populations in European society. On the other hand, refugees have a huge potential to contribute to society and to the ambitious goals of the European Green Deal. To achieve its goal, the project will develop inclusive and accessible training materials on green entrepreneurship with a special focus on digital skills. Accessibility barriers, and especially language barriers, can prevent refugees to exploit their full potential and use the competences and skills they acquired in their home country. As refugees may not be fluent in the local language of the place where they live, special emphasis was placed on using plain language to create the content in order to minimise the language barrier.