Title | Type | Subtype |
Acessibilidade em Comunicação na Televisão | MAP Item | Standards |
Acessibilidade na Comunicação. Audiodescrição | MAP Item | Standards |
Title | Type | Subtype |
11th EST Congress | Event | Conference |
1st International Audiovisual Translation Conference | Event | Conference |
Advanced research seminar on audio description (ARSAD 2017) | Event | Conference |
Title | Type | Subtype |
Accessibilità e sicurezza dei luoghi di spettacolo. Note su criteri impositivi, criteri prescrittivi e buone prassi | Publication | Book |
Accessibility as a conversation | Publication | Journal article |
Accessibility studies. Abuses, misuses and the method of poietic design | Publication | Book chapter |
Audio description in Canada | Publication | Book chapter |
Audiodescriçao e consciência da diversidade. Videoclipe flutua | Publication | Journal article |
Audiodescrição. Transformando Imagens em Palavras | Publication | Edited book |
Audiovisual translation in the age of digital transformation. Industrial and social implications | Publication | Book chapter |
Audiovisual translation. Subtitling | Publication | Book |
Bad-talk. Media piracy and "guerrilla" translation | Publication | Book chapter |
Title | Type |
Accessibility. The theoretical, the political, and the practical (and why the ethical is intentionally missing) | Conference Presentation |
Audio description, ideology and the normalization of violence | Conference Presentation |
Title | Type |
CfP: 11th EST Congress | News |
CfP: ITT journal special issue on sign language | News |
CfP: Just. Journal of Language Rights & Minorities | News |
CfP: Linguistica Antverpiensia journal | News |