Type: Publication
Title Type Subtype
Ideological manipulation in interlingual subtitling. The Japanese-Italian translation of a “nyūhāfu” genderlect in the movie “Close-knit” by Ogigami Naoko Publication Book chapter
Ideology and subtitling. South African soap operas Publication Journal article
Increasing or decreasing the sense of "otherness". The role of audiovisual translation in the process of social integration Publication Book chapter
La selección de contenidos y la política de traducción en BBC Mundo y BBC Brasil. Un análisis estadístico descriptivo Publication Journal article
La subtitulación para s/Sordos, panorama global y prenormativo en el marco ibérico Publication Journal article
Manipulating taboo in film discourse. The case of subtitling in Portugal Publication Book chapter
Measuring censorship? Determining the level of “censoredness” of films subtitled during the dictatorship in Portugal Publication Journal article
Political TV documentary subtitling in China. A critical discourse analysis perspective Publication Journal article
Rhetorical dissonance of unsynchronized voices. Issues of voice-over in news broadcasts Publication Journal article
Subtitling for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing. A learning-service approach at the audiovisual translation classroom Publication Journal article
Subtitling norms for television Publication Book
Subtitling Tarantino’s offensive and taboo dialogue exchanges into European Spanish. The case of "Pulp Fiction" Publication Journal article
Technobabble on screen. Translating science fiction films Publication Journal article
The didactics of audiovisual translation Publication Edited book
The issue of subtitling humor in Arabic Publication Journal article
The process of translation in the dubbing of culture-specific references into Italian. The differential approaches between the translator and the dialogue writer Publication Book chapter
The role of humour in AVT. AVHT Publication Book chapter
Type: Event
Title Type Subtype
IX Congreso AIETI Event Conference
Type: Conference Presentation
Title Type
On the audio description of comics Conference Presentation