Accessibility skills for a technology enhanced learning in an inclusive society
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Project duration
The relevance of this project is rooted in the policies and legislations – such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – requesting for persons with disabilities to be part of an inclusive education system, have equal opportunities, contribute to society and have access to high-quality services enabling them to live independently.
As ICTs permeate most aspects of our lives nowadays, having no to little digital literacy equals being excluded from meaningfully participating in society. Although the digital empowerment of persons with disabilities of all ages has been in the European Union’s agenda since the early 2000s, such policy objectives are less prevalent than others and we are still far from achieving fully inclusive technologies and training for persons with disabilities.
Receiving proper training aimed at instructing persons with disabilities on how to use inclusive ICTs will result in them being competitive actors on the job market, increasing their self-esteem and allowing them to live as autonomously as possible.
To achieve all this, the ENTELIS+ project builds on the methodology already implemented for the ENTELIS network and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPonAHA), i.e. the engagement of local communities and the use of the Internet to spread the word about the project itself.
As ICTs permeate most aspects of our lives nowadays, having no to little digital literacy equals being excluded from meaningfully participating in society. Although the digital empowerment of persons with disabilities of all ages has been in the European Union’s agenda since the early 2000s, such policy objectives are less prevalent than others and we are still far from achieving fully inclusive technologies and training for persons with disabilities.
Receiving proper training aimed at instructing persons with disabilities on how to use inclusive ICTs will result in them being competitive actors on the job market, increasing their self-esteem and allowing them to live as autonomously as possible.
To achieve all this, the ENTELIS+ project builds on the methodology already implemented for the ENTELIS network and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPonAHA), i.e. the engagement of local communities and the use of the Internet to spread the word about the project itself.