Kultūrinė įtrauktis. Audiovizualinių produktų pritaikomumo klausos ir regos neįgaliesiems tyrimas
English translation
Inclusive culture. The study on accessibility of audiovisual products for the visually and hearing impaired
Project acronym
Principal Investigator(s)
Leading Institution
Project reference code
Project duration
The project “Inclusive Culture: A Study on Accessibility of Audiovisual Products for the Visually and Hearing Impaired” is dedicated towards the analysis of the opportunities for socially vulnerable groups - the visually and hearing impaired - to fully participate in the Lithuanian cultural life: watch movies, attend performances, participate in events, etc. Since an increasing number of audiovisual products in Lithuania have been adapted to both target groups mentioned above, there appear to be a tendency that the application methods used by the companies which develop and distribute audiovisual products or other interested organizations vary. Therefore, such diversity does not always lead to the high-quality work. This project aims at assessing the quality and benefits of the audiovisual products which have already been made accessible in Lithuania. Moreover, needs of blind and deaf viewers would be identified by processing evaluations and feedback provided by the target groups. Besides, within the framework of the investigations and practice carried out by foreign scientists the algorithm of accessibility of audiovisual material to the Lithuanian blind and deaf will be delineated and guidelines for the adaptation of audiovisual products will be provided. The project activities are focused on the qualitative study on the adaptation of audiovisual products for the visually and hearing impaired. The activity will be oriented towards the distribution and dissemination of the scientific information which is related to the study results. The factual knowledge, scientific insights and achieved results would help to reduce the cultural exclusion of the target groups and therefore contribute to the welfare.
Submitted by Carlos Duarte on Sun, 16/10/2022 - 18:56