Publication Title
A audiodescrição de imagens estáticas em contexto de formação docente. Uma ação extensionista em tempos de pandemia
English Translation
Audio description of still images in the context of teacher training. An extensionist action in times of pandemic
Publication Type
Book chapter
Title of edited book
Acessibilidade e inclusão no ensino superior. Experiências, recursos e políticas públicas
Year of publication

Portuguese, Brazil

This chapter provides an excerpt of what was done during the evaluation activities of the Ledor and Transcriber Training Group, an extension course that emerged from an unfolding of the Teaching Training carried out in the Supplementary Academic Semester of the Postgraduate Course in Language and Culture, in 2020, during the critical phase of the Pandemic of Covid-19 and which had an intense demand, to the point that a third class was offered, made up of higher education students, teachers from the state and municipal educatio network, in an initial training and continuing education regime, as teachers enrolled they were, for the most part, assigned to an education and rehabilitation center for the visually impaired.
Submitted by adriana_santos20 on Tue, 23/05/2023 - 01:54