Publication Title
Training teaching professionals in accessible and inclusive distance learning
Publication Type
Book chapter
Title of edited book
Investigaciones recientes en traducción y accesibilidad digital
Year of publication


During the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning practices were immediately shifted from face-to-face to online environments. Teaching professionals were forced to conduct online education, regardless of their level of preparedness. Adapting to this new reality was difficult at all levels of education (OECD, 2021). Many countries provided support for teachers and trainers through online training, workshops and seminars (Unesco, 2020). This support aimed at upgrading the ICT skills of teaching professionals for the use of online platforms to assist them with the preparation and delivery of online sessions. However, are teaching professionals prepared to adapt and create accessible and inclusive curriculums and course materials for the development of their online courses? Are these professionals able to address the diverse needs of their learners in online teaching? Digital accessibility and inclusive teaching and learning are the central axes of the IDE@ project, a co-funded project of the European Union Erasmus + Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness. The project aims at defining the necessary competences and developing open resource materials to train the new professional profile “Certified Trainer in Inclusive Distance Learning”. This article provides an overview of the challenges faced by teaching professionals in terms of inclusion and accessibility when conducting their online courses during COVID-19 and presents the proposed competences for the professional profile “Certified Trainer in Inclusive Distance Learning”. First, an overview of the European legislative framework in terms of inclusion and accessibility in educational contexts will be provided. Second, the relationship between digital accessibility and Universal Design for Learning adapted to online teaching contexts will be outlined. Third, the research conducted in the IDE@ project will be presented. Finally, conclusions extracted, and next steps will be explained.
Submitted by María Eugenia … on Mon, 06/03/2023 - 11:54