Below a list of publications dealing with media accessibility. Publications can be listed according to "Title", "Type" or "Year" by clicking on the header of each column.
List of Publications
Title Type Year Author(s)
The ways of synesthetic translation. Design models for media accessibility Conference Proceedings 2016
Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad Amadis '07 Conference Proceedings 2008
Universal access in human-computer interaction. Design for all and e-inclusion Conference Proceedings 2011
Computers helping people with special needs Conference Proceedings 2014
Survey design for visually impaired and blind people Conference Proceedings 2007
Annotation-based video enrichment for blind people. A pilot study on the use of earcons and speech synthesis Conference Proceedings 2011
Witty ways wit works. The translation of puns in dubbed animation Conference Proceedings 2016
Multilingual metadata for moving image databases. Preliminary results Conference Proceedings 2002
The keys to highly effective interpreter training Conference Proceedings 1998
Respeak. A voice-based, crowd-powered speech transcription system Conference Proceedings 2017
La accesibilidad a los medios de comunicación audiovisual a través del subtitulado y de la audiodescripción Conference Proceedings 2019
Helping blind people to watch television. The AUDETEL project Conference Proceedings 1992
La guía-interpretación con personas sordociegas Conference Proceedings 2010
MuTra 2006. Audiovisual translation scenarios. Conference proceedings Conference Proceedings 2006
Proceedings of the first international seminar on real-time intralingual subtitling Conference Proceedings 2006
How the blind audiences receive and experience audio descriptions of visual events. A project presentation Conference Proceedings 2020