Publication Title
Características formales de la subtitulación para la televisión en Rumanía
English Translation
Formal characteristics of subtitles for Romanian TV
Publication Type
Journal article
Quaestiones Romanicae
Year of publication


Audiovisual translation, rather than other language transfer modalities, is constrained and shaped by a complex set of rules. In order to obtain a good quality of the AVT, the professionals of the field may know and apply these constraints, which are considered the most challenging of all. As a subtitling country, the majority of the AVT professionals in Romania are subtitlers, thus the most used set of norms in our country is represented by the constraints of subtitling. In general, in Romanian television, the subtitlers follow the general set of rules, applied in Europe. Nevertheless, direct analysis of the subtitles reveals some specific features that individualise the subtitling practice in Romania as opposed to the practice in other countries. The current paper deals with the description of the specific features of subtitling for television in Romania and is based on the analysis of the empiric data we collected from the regional, national, and international televisions broadcasting in our country. Our analysis will focus on will focus on three major questions: Which is the set of general formal constraints subtitlers apply in Romanian television channels? Which are the specific formal features of subtitling in Romania? We will analyse the empiric data within the following theoretical framework: Gottlieb (1997, 2001, 2005), Ivarsson&Caroll (1998), Karamitroglou (1998, 2000), Díaz-Cintas (2003,2007, 2012), Pedersen (2010, 2011), Bartoll (2015).
Submitted by Irene Tor on Wed, 25/09/2019 - 09:10