Publication Title
A tradução do humor no processo tradutório para legendas da série brasileira "A diarista"
English Translation
Humor translation in the translation process for the subtitles of the Brazilian TV Series "A diarista"
Publication Type
Journal article
Mutatis mutandis. Revista latinoamericana de traducción
Year of publication
Portuguese, Brazil
This article aims to analyze the translation of humor in an episode of the Brazilian sitcom "A Diarista", produced by Rede Globo, and proposes to reflect on the translation process as a reconstruction in subtitle translation, from Portuguese into English. Concerning the challenges involved in subtitle translation –such the translation of oral language into written text, the pre-established restrictions on characters and out times of the subtitles, viewers’ multitasking- and the creative work involved in the translation of humor, this essay will examine and discuss the influences of these factors on the final product of subtitle translation that involves humorous content. For this purpose, excerpts from the episode were selected which constitute a challenge for the translator subject who must, almost always, domesticate the translated text (Venuti, 2002), inserting it into a short display space as well as having to master specific translation software. The translation of the episode of the sitcom "A Diarista" was carried out by the authors of this text during the Supervised Curricular Internship I course of the Bachelor’s degree in Translation of the Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). This work is mainly based on Rosas (2002), Arrojo (2003) and Venuti (2002) and considers that subtitle translation of humorous series will always involve the domestic assimilation of the foreign text and a re-creation by the translator.