Publication Title
L’aprenentatge de llengües a través de la traducció audiovisual. La subtitulació com a eina per a l’adquisició de lèxic en llengua estrangera
Publication Type
PhD thesis
Year of publication
This thesis extends prior work on Translation Studies while exploring possible links with Language Learning and Applied Linguistics. It focuses on audiovisual translation, especially subtitling, as a teaching resource. The aim of this thesis is to show that the use of active interlinguistic subtitling in educational environments is a useful tool for the acquisition and retention of foreign language vocabulary. It briefly reviews the most relevant theories related to second language acquisition, the role of translation in the Common European Framework of Languages, and the two major modes of audiovisual translation (dubbing and subtitling). It is based on an experimental study with Primary Education students whose progress in (active and passive) vocabulary acquisition is proven through different tests and questionnaires. By triangulating quantitative and qualitative methods, it is showed that active subtitling may be particularly suitable in terms of supporting the incidental acquisition of new word meanings, and that audiovisual texts promote teachers' acceptance of translation as a pedagogical tool.