Bildbeskrivning för tillgänglighet. Riktlinjer, forskning och praktik |
Report |
2019 |
Jana Holsanova |
Serveis d'accessibilitat sensorial a les televisions catalanes. Situació actual, necessitats i propostes de futur. Informe final. |
Report |
2018 |
Sara Rovira-Esteva, Irene Tor-Carroggio |
Informe sobre el seguimiento de las obligaciones impuestas en materia de accesibilidad correspondiente al año 2017 |
Report |
2018 |
María Fernández Pérez, Benigno Valdés Díaz, Mariano Bacigalupo Saggese, Bernardo Lorenzo Almendros, Xabier Ormaetxea Garai, Joaquim Hortalà i Vallvé |
Forty years on. Advances of audio description in Russia |
Report |
2017 |
Ivan Borshchevsky, Olga Davis, Alexey Kozulyaev |
Virtual Reality. How are public broadcasters using it? |
Report |
2017 |
European Broadcasting Union |
ERGA special task report on the provision of greater accessibility to audiovisual media services for persons with disabilities |
Report |
2016 |
European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA) |
Syntolkning. Forskning och praktik |
Report |
2016 |
Jana Holsanova, Cecilia Wadensjö, Mats Andrén |
Implications for public health research of models and theories of disability. A scoping study and evidence synthesis |
Report |
2016 |
Maria Berghs, Karl Atkin, Hilary Graham, Chris Hatton, Carol Thomas |
Informe sobre el grado de cumplimiento de las obligaciones impuestas en materia de accesibilidad y presencia de las personas con discapacidad en los medios audiovisuales (2014-2015) |
Report |
2016 |
Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia |
Study on assessing and promoting e-accessibility |
Report |
2013 |
DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology |
Making television accessible |
Report |
2011 |
Peter Olaf Looms |
RNIB international AD study. Observations from a focus group study |
Report |
2011 |
Sonali Rai |
Do we need 3D audio description guidelines? Recommendations from focus group study |
Report |
2011 |
Joan Greening |
Toolkit on providing, delivering and campaigning for audio description on television and film |
Report |
2011 |
World Blind Union |
Audio description background paper |
Report |
2010 |
Chris Mikul |
User attitudes towards synthetic speech for talking books |
Report |
2009 |
Sarah Home, Heather Cryer |
Exploring the use of synthetic speech by blind and partially sighted people |
Report |
2008 |
Heather Cryer, Sarah Home |
Opinions and circumstances of visually impaired people in Great Britain. Report based on over 1000 interviews |
Report |
2006 |
Graeme Douglas, Christine Corcoran, Sue Pavey |
The semi automatic generation of audio description from screenplays. Technical report CS-06-05 |
Report |
2005 |
James Lakritz, Andrew Salway |
A distributed live subtitling system |
Report |
2003 |
Matthew Marks |