Type: Publication
Title Type Subtype
Stating the obvious? Implicature, explicature and audio description Publication Book chapter
Strategie opisu kulturemów w audiodeskrypcji Publication Journal article
Strategies for dealing with cultural references in audio description Publication Book chapter
Strategies for rendering multilingualism in subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing Publication Journal article
Subtitles as a tool to boost language learning? Children’s views and experiences of watching films and television programmes in other languages with interlingual subtitles Publication Journal article
Subtitling and intercultural communication. European languages and beyond Publication Edited book
Subtitling Arabic profanities into English and that aggro. The case of "West Beirut" Publication Journal article
Subtitling audiovisual humour. The case of "early Almodóvar" films during la movida in Spain (1980-1984) Publication Journal article
Subtitling Chinese humour. The English version of "A woman, a gun and a noodle shop" (2009) Publication Journal article
Subtitling film adaptations of books for deaf students Publication Book chapter
Subtitling for a global audience. Handling the translation of culture-specific items in TEDx talks Publication Journal article
Subtitling for deaf children on British television Publication Journal article
Subtitling for the deaf and audio description for the blind. Making multimedia web content accessible for All Publication Journal article
Subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing in multilingual films Publication Journal article
Subtitling for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing. A learning-service approach at the audiovisual translation classroom Publication Journal article
Subtitling Harry Potter’s fantastic world. Linguistic and cultural transfer from Britain to China in a subtitled children’s film Publication Journal article
Subtitling Italian politics and culture in Paolo Sorrentino’s "Il divo" Publication Journal article
Subtitling norms for television Publication Book
Subtitling of culture-bound terms. Strategies and quality assessment Publication Journal article
Type: Conference Presentation
Title Type
Subtitles, foreignness and “the problem of universal appeal” of film Conference Presentation