Type: Publication
Title Type Subtype
A new hope? Experiences of accessibility of services in deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences post-digital television switchover Publication Journal article
A quantitative analysis of the reactions of viewers with hearing impairment to the intralingual subtitling of Egyptian movies Publication Journal article
A report on a novice user's interaction with the Internet through a self-voicing application Publication Journal article
A shared responsibility in the administration of justice. A pilot study of sign language interpretation access for deaf jurors Publication Book chapter
A sociolinguistic approach to real-time subtitling. Respeaking vs. shadowing and simultaneous interpreting Publication Book chapter
A tool for social integration? Audiovisual translation from different angles Publication Journal article
A translational and narratological approach to audio describing narrative characters Publication Journal article
A user-centred study of the norms for subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing on French television Publication PhD thesis
A world of change in a changing world Publication Book chapter
Accesibilidad a la TDT en España para personas con discapacidad sensorial (2005-2007) Publication PhD thesis
Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad Amadis '07 Publication Conference Proceedings
Accesibilidad de la cultura visual. Límites y perspectivas Publication Journal article
Accesibilidad de las personas con discapacidad auditiva al cine Publication Book chapter
Accesibilidad de las personas sordas a la comunicación, a la información y al conocimiento Publication Book chapter
Accesibilidad en televisión para personas ciegas Publication Book chapter
Accesibilidad web Publication Journal article
Access services for the blind and partially sighted. A social and legal framework for the promotion of audio description Publication Book chapter
Access to multimedia presentations for students with visual impairments Publication Journal article
Type: Conference Presentation
Title Type
AccésBCN Conference Presentation