Title | Type |
(Audio-)describing the Maze/Long Kesh | Conference Presentation |
AccésBCN | Conference Presentation |
Awareness and best practices on accessible culture and their implications for public policies | Conference Presentation |
Behind the smart. The hidden costs of tourism technology optimism | Conference Presentation |
Information and communication in the service of accessible tourism for all | Conference Presentation |
Integrated accessibility of tangible and intangible cultural resources | Conference Presentation |
Title | Type | Subtype |
10th EST Congress: Advancing Translation Studies | Event | Conference |
Accessibilità. Teorie e pratiche | Event | Seminar |
Advanced research seminar on audio description (ARSAD 2017) | Event | Conference |
IX Congreso AIETI | Event | Conference |
Title | Type | Subtype |
Accessibilità e sicurezza dei luoghi di spettacolo. Note su criteri impositivi, criteri prescrittivi e buone prassi | Publication | Book |
Accessing access. The importance of pre‑visit information to the attendance of people with sight loss at live audio described events | Publication | Journal article |
Audioguías para "los sentidos". Un turismo de todos y para todos | Publication | Journal article |
El museo accesible. Un nuevo espacio para el aprendizaje y la formación de estudiantes de traducción | Publication | Journal article |
L’accessibilità culturale come strumento per i diritti umani di tutti | Publication | Book chapter |
La traducción accesible en el espacio multimodal museográfico y su aplicación a la formación de traductores | Publication | Book chapter |
Longe da vista, perto da imaginação. Análise de audioguias em museus portugueses | Publication | PhD thesis |
Multimodality in operation. Language and picture in a museum | Publication | Book chapter |
Title | Type | Subtype |
Guia de Boas Práticas de Acessibilidade. Comunicação Inclusiva em Monumentos, Palácios e Museus | MAP Item | Guidelines |
Title | Type |
Media for All 2021 and ARSAD 2021: save the date! | News |