Below a list of publications dealing with media accessibility. Publications can be listed according to "Title", "Type" or "Year" by clicking on the header of each column.
List of Publications
Title Type Year Author(s)
你是我的眼。運用口述影像輔助國小視障生學習之探究 (Ni shi wo de yan. Yunyong koushu yingxiang fuzhu guoxiao shizhangsheng xuexi zhi tanjiu) PhD thesis 2015 Liu Chih-Ching
Translation across modalities.The practice of translating written text into recorded signed language. An ethnographic case study PhD thesis 2010 Svenja Wurm
Subtitling for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing. Some parameters and their evaluation PhD thesis 2012 Verónica Arnáiz-Uzquiza
Estudio descriptivo y comparativo de la traducción de filmes plurilingües. El caso del cine británico de migración y diàspora PhD thesis 2014 Irene de Higes Andino
Subtitling norms in Greece and Spain. A comparative descriptive study on film subtitle omission and distribution PhD thesis 2011 Stavroula Sokoli
La neutralidad en la audiodescripción fílmica desde un punto de vista traductológico PhD thesis 2014 Christiane Limbach
Audiovisual translation. Subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing PhD thesis 2005 Josélia Neves
Uma solução para geração automática de trilhas em língua brasileira de sinais em conteúdos multimídia PhD thesis 2012 Tiago Maritan Ugulino de Araújo
Audio Description in Dutch. A corpus-based study into the linguistic features of a new, multimodal text type PhD thesis 2017 Nina Reviers
Promoção da acessibilidade em televisão interativa (iTV). Proposta de um serviço adaptado a utilizadores com défice visual PhD thesis 2014 Rita Oliveira
Longe da vista, perto da imaginação. Análise de audioguias em museus portugueses PhD thesis 2015 Cláudia Susana Nunes Martins
Putting it into words. The impact of visual impairment on perception, experience and presence PhD thesis 2013 Louise Fryer
Lifting the curtain on opera translation and accessibility. Translating opera for audiences with varying sensory ability PhD thesis 2014 Sarah Eardley-Weaver
Dubbing as a type of audiovisual translation. A study of its methods and constraints focusing on "Shrek 2" PhD thesis 2012 Ayhan Şahin
The web of subtitling. A subtitling process model based on a mixed methods study of the Danish subtitling industry and the subtitling processes of five Danish subtitlers PhD thesis 2017 Kathrine Beuchert
La metáfora como herramienta de acceso al conocimiento en las guías audiodescriptivas de museos de arte contemporáneo PhD thesis 2019 M. Olalla Luque Colmenero
Audio subtitling. Strategies for voicing subtiles and their effect on emotional activation PhD thesis 2019 Gonzalo Iturregui-Gallardo
Subtitle segmentation quality across screens PhD thesis 2018 Olivia Gerber-Morón
Translating multilingual audiovisual texts. Priorities, restrictions, theoretical implications PhD thesis 2008 Montse Corrius
The effect of verbal repetition on the recall of a captioned film by hearing impaired postsecondary students PhD thesis 1988 Lloyd Russell Andersen