Below a list of publications dealing with media accessibility. Publications can be listed according to "Title", "Type" or "Year" by clicking on the header of each column.
List of Publications
Title Type Year Author(s)
Accessible web for deaf and hard of hearing with transparent multimodal sign language interpreter module PhD thesis 2011 Primoz Kosec
The effects of synchronized captioning on the assimilation of vocabulary and concepts presented in a film to intermediate level deaf children PhD thesis 1972 G. W. Nix
A comparative analysis of the readability and reading rates of captioned films with comprehension levels of deaf students PhD thesis 1973 Edgar H. Shroyer
Captioned television. Viewing patterns and opinions of adults in an urban deaf community PhD thesis 1986 Rita Ann Gesue
Assuring accessibility during web localisation. An empirical investigation on the achievement of appropriate text alternatives for images PhD thesis 2016 Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez
Compreensão leitora em segunda língua de surdos sinalizantes da língua de sinais. Um estudo comparativo entre estudantes de uma educação em ambiente bilíngue e não bilíngue PhD thesis 2016 SIMONE GONCALVES DE LIMA DA SILVA
The effects of inserts and captions on learning with deaf subjects using motion and still pictures PhD thesis 1973 R. E. Nomeland
Effect of changes in visual information patterns on student achievement using a captioned film and specially adapted still pictures PhD thesis 1972 Robert R. Davila
Accesibilidad a la TDT en España para personas con discapacidad sensorial (2005-2007) PhD thesis 2008 Francisco Utray Delgado
Voice-over in multilingual fiction movies in Poland. Translation and synchronization techniques, content comprehension and language identification PhD thesis 2016 Katarzyna Sepielak
A narratological approach to content selection in audio description PhD thesis 2016 Gert Vercauteren
Audiodescripción de referentes culturales. Estudio descriptivo-comparativo y de recepción PhD thesis 2017 Raquel Sanz-Moreno
Multimodal representation and intermodal similarity. Cues of space in the audio description of film PhD thesis 2014 Maija Hirbonen
Tabu e tradução audiovisual. Um estudo descritivo das normas de tradução para legendagem de linguagem tabu em contexto televisivo PhD thesis 2019 Catarina Xavier
Audio description of audiovisual programmes for the visually impaired in Hong Kong PhD thesis 2018 Dawning Leung
Arte e inclusão. O ensino da arte na inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual no colégio Pedro II PhD thesis 2015 Leila Gross
Traducción y nacionalismo. La recepción del cine americano en España a través del doblaje (desde los inicios del sonoro hasta los años cuarenta) PhD thesis 2000 Ana Rosa Ballester Casado
Audiodescrição didática PhD thesis 2016 Elton Luiz Vergara Nunes
Accessibility for the scenic arts PhD thesis 2013 Estel·la Oncins
Audiodescrição e a poética da linguagem cinematográfica. Um estudo de caso do filme "Atrás das Nuvens" PhD thesis 2013 Sandra Regina Rosa Farias