Accessible web for deaf and hard of hearing with transparent multimodal sign language interpreter module |
PhD thesis |
2011 |
Primoz Kosec |
The effects of synchronized captioning on the assimilation of vocabulary and concepts presented in a film to intermediate level deaf children |
PhD thesis |
1972 |
G. W. Nix |
A comparative analysis of the readability and reading rates of captioned films with comprehension levels of deaf students |
PhD thesis |
1973 |
Edgar H. Shroyer |
Captioned television. Viewing patterns and opinions of adults in an urban deaf community |
PhD thesis |
1986 |
Rita Ann Gesue |
Assuring accessibility during web localisation. An empirical investigation on the achievement of appropriate text alternatives for images |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Silvia Rodríguez Vázquez |
Compreensão leitora em segunda língua de surdos sinalizantes da língua de sinais. Um estudo comparativo entre estudantes de uma educação em ambiente bilíngue e não bilíngue |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
The effects of inserts and captions on learning with deaf subjects using motion and still pictures |
PhD thesis |
1973 |
R. E. Nomeland |
Effect of changes in visual information patterns on student achievement using a captioned film and specially adapted still pictures |
PhD thesis |
1972 |
Robert R. Davila |
Accesibilidad a la TDT en España para personas con discapacidad sensorial (2005-2007) |
PhD thesis |
2008 |
Francisco Utray Delgado |
Voice-over in multilingual fiction movies in Poland. Translation and synchronization techniques, content comprehension and language identification |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Katarzyna Sepielak |
A narratological approach to content selection in audio description |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Gert Vercauteren |
Audiodescripción de referentes culturales. Estudio descriptivo-comparativo y de recepción |
PhD thesis |
2017 |
Raquel Sanz-Moreno |
Multimodal representation and intermodal similarity. Cues of space in the audio description of film |
PhD thesis |
2014 |
Maija Hirbonen |
Tabu e tradução audiovisual. Um estudo descritivo das normas de tradução para legendagem de linguagem tabu em contexto televisivo |
PhD thesis |
2019 |
Catarina Xavier |
Audio description of audiovisual programmes for the visually impaired in Hong Kong |
PhD thesis |
2018 |
Dawning Leung |
Arte e inclusão. O ensino da arte na inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual no colégio Pedro II |
PhD thesis |
2015 |
Leila Gross |
Traducción y nacionalismo. La recepción del cine americano en España a través del doblaje (desde los inicios del sonoro hasta los años cuarenta) |
PhD thesis |
2000 |
Ana Rosa Ballester Casado |
Audiodescrição didática |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Elton Luiz Vergara Nunes |
Accessibility for the scenic arts |
PhD thesis |
2013 |
Estel·la Oncins |
Audiodescrição e a poética da linguagem cinematográfica. Um estudo de caso do filme "Atrás das Nuvens" |
PhD thesis |
2013 |
Sandra Regina Rosa Farias |