El texto fílmico audiodescrito. Mecanismos de cohesión intramodales e intermodales |
PhD thesis |
2013 |
Gala Rodríguez Posadas |
Diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de sistemas de traducción automática para reducir las barreras de comunicación de las personas sordas |
PhD thesis |
2014 |
Verónica López Ludeña |
El impacto emocional de la audiodescripción |
PhD thesis |
2013 |
Marina Ramos |
Sound effect labelling in subtitling for the deaf and hard-of hearing. An experimental study on audience reception |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Aikaterini Tsaousi |
La percepció que tenen les persones sordes signants de l'actualitat periodística (2005-2009) |
PhD thesis |
2011 |
Jordi Serrat Manén |
Attention and dual coding theory. A study on the interaction. |
PhD thesis |
2017 |
Andreu Oliver |
Immersion in audio description. The impact of style and vocal delivery on users’ experience |
PhD thesis |
2017 |
Agnieszka Walczak |
The reception of subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing. Viewers' hearing and communication profile & subtitling speed of exposure |
PhD thesis |
2017 |
Marta Miquel Iriarte |
Paràmetres per a una taxonomia de la subtitulació |
PhD thesis |
2008 |
Eduard Bartoll |
The verbalizations of the effects of the light and contrast in audio description |
PhD thesis |
2014 |
Anna Maszerowska |
The effects of closed-captioned television on the oral reading fluency of low socioeconomic 2nd grade students |
PhD thesis |
2017 |
Kristina Ard Livingston |
Study on the semi-automatisation of the translation and voicing of audio descriptions |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Anna Fernández-Torné |
Voice-over in multilingual fiction movies in Poland. Translation and synchronization techniques, content comprehension and language identification |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Katarzyna Sepielak |
A user-centred study of the norms for subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing on French television |
PhD thesis |
2015 |
Laetitia Muller |
Audio description. Seeing with the mind’s eye— A comprehensive training manual and guide to the history and applications of audio description |
PhD thesis |
2013 |
Joel Snyder |
Interpreting sissent. Narratives about American Sign Language English interpreting for the deaf president now protest |
PhD thesis |
2018 |
Mark Halley |
Audiodescrição didática |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Elton Luiz Vergara Nunes |
Promoção da acessibilidade em televisão interativa (iTV). Proposta de um serviço adaptado a utilizadores com défice visual |
PhD thesis |
2014 |
Rita Alexandra Silva Oliveira |
Minority-language related broadcasting and legislation in the OSCE |
Report |
2003 |
Tarlach McGonagle, Bethany Davis Noll, Monroe Price |
ERGA special task report on the provision of greater accessibility to audiovisual media services for persons with disabilities |
Report |
2016 |
European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA) |