Below a list of publications dealing with media accessibility. Publications can be listed according to "Title", "Type" or "Year" by clicking on the header of each column.
List of Publications
Title Type Year Author(s)
Bildbeskrivning för tillgänglighet. Riktlinjer, forskning och praktik Report 2019 Jana Holsanova
Estudio sobre el servicio audiovisual de subtitulación para personas sordas o con pérdidas auditivas en el mercado televisivo español Report 2000 Joaquim Maria Pardina Mundó, María Begoña Sánchez Galán
Informe sobre el grado de cumplimiento de las obligaciones impuestas en materia de accesibilidad y presencia de las personas con discapacidad en los medios audiovisuales (2014-2015) Report 2016 Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia
Virtual Reality. How are public broadcasters using it? Report 2017 European Broadcasting Union
Forty years on. Advances of audio description in Russia Report 2017 Ivan Borshchevsky, Olga Davis, Alexey Kozulyaev
Opinions and circumstances of visually impaired people in Great Britain. Report based on over 1000 interviews Report 2006 Graeme Douglas, Christine Corcoran, Sue Pavey
RNIB international AD study. Observations from a focus group study Report 2011 Sonali Rai
Do we need 3D audio description guidelines? Recommendations from focus group study Report 2011 Joan Greening
Applications of speech recognition technology in broadcasting Report 2001 D. G. Kirby
Implications for public health research of models and theories of disability. A scoping study and evidence synthesis Report 2016 Maria Berghs, Karl Atkin, Hilary Graham, Chris Hatton, Carol Thomas
Exploring the use of synthetic speech by blind and partially sighted people Report 2008 Heather Cryer, Sarah Home
User attitudes towards synthetic speech for talking books Report 2009 Sarah Home, Heather Cryer
Caption speed and viewer comprehension of television programs. Final report Report 1999 Carl J. Jensema, Robb Burch
The effects of synchronized captioning on the assimilation of vocabulary and concepts presented in a film to intermediate level deaf children PhD thesis 1972 G. W. Nix
La naturalitat en la traducció per al doblatge. El cas dels marcadors d’intensificació PhD thesis 2016 Anna Marzà
Audiodescrição em filmes. História, discussão conceitual e pesquisa de recepção PhD thesis 2014 Larissa Magalhães Costa
La gestión de proyectos de traducción audiovisual en España. Seis estudios de caso PhD thesis 2016 María R. Ferrer Simó
L’aprenentatge de llengües a través de la traducció audiovisual. La subtitulació com a eina per a l’adquisició de lèxic en llengua estrangera PhD thesis 2016 Gloria Torralba Miralles
Estudi descriptiu i comparatiu del model de llengua del doblatge al català. El cas del sistema televisiu balear PhD thesis 2014 Ana M. Prats Rodríguez
Interactive multimedia solutions for improving accessibility of deaf and disabled people PhD thesis 2014 Umar Shoaib