Below a list of publications dealing with media accessibility. Publications can be listed according to "Title", "Type" or "Year" by clicking on the header of each column.
List of Publications
Title Type Year Author(s)
What meets the eye. Cognitive narratology for audio description Journal article 2012 Jeroen Vandaele
What would we read best? Hypotheses and suggestions for the location of line breaks in film subtitles Journal article 2008 Elisa Perego
What's in a voice? Exploring the vocal qualities of the Spanish dubbed voice in emotionally-loaded scenes Journal article 2021 Beatriz Naranjo
When "Herman the German" becomes "Erik der Wikinger". Heterolingualism in US sitcoms and their German dubbed versions Book chapter 2014 Elena Voellmer
When East meets West. A Comparison of audio description guidelines in China and Europe Journal article 2020 Irene Tor-Carroggio, Gert Vercauteren
When fantasy becomes a real issue. On local and global aspects of literary translation/adaptation, subtitling, and dubbing films for the young Book chapter 2014 Erga Heller
When humour and culture clash. Subtitling in "Spanish affair" Journal article 2017 Pilar González Vera
When languages become the "text" of a movie. Translating metalinguistic references in a polylingual film Book chapter 2014 Elena Voellmer
When Puerto Rico talked to the world. Pioneering dubbing in the Caribbean Journal article 2020 Adrián Fuentes Luque
When the "Thief of Bagdad" tried to steal the show. The short-lived dubbing of Hollywood films into Arabic in the 1940s Book chapter 2019 Nolwenn Mingant
Who is currently audio describing in China? A study of Chinese audio describer profiles Journal article 2020 Irene Tor-Carroggio, Helena Casas-Tost
Who makes the rules anyway? Reality and perception of guidelines in video relay service interpreting Journal article 2014 Erica Alley
Who’s devising your theatre experience? A director’s approach to inclusive theatre for blind and low vision theatregoers Journal article 2018 Mala D. Naraine, Margot Whitfield, Deborah I. Fels
Why big fish isn't a fat cat? Adapting voice-over and subtitles for audio description in foreign films Book chapter 2015 Anna Jankowska, Martyna Mentel, Agnieszka Szarkowska
Witty ways wit works. The translation of puns in dubbed animation Conference Proceedings 2016
Women in audiovisual translation. The Arabic context Book chapter 2020 Nada Qanbar
Word and world knowledge among deaf learners with and without cochlear implant Journal article 2014 Carol Convertino, Georgianna Borgna, Marc Marschark, Andreana Durkin
Word recognition and content comprehension of subtitles for television by deaf children Journal article 2014 Soledad Zárate, Joseph Eliahoo
Working conditions and collaborative practices in the translation of French film. Subtitling "banlieue" cinema Journal article 2022 Hannah Silvester
Working on linguistic skills with revoicing AVT modes. Consolidating an effective tool in foreign language education Book chapter 2024 Pilar González Vera, Ana Hornero Corisco