Below a list of publications dealing with media accessibility. Publications can be listed according to "Title", "Type" or "Year" by clicking on the header of each column.
List of Publications
Title Type Year Author(s)
Subtitling television for deaf children Journal article 1985 Robert G. Baker
Hearing-impaired viewers of prime-time television Journal article 1984 B. A. Austin, J. W. Myers
Handbook for television subtitlers Book 1982 Robert G. Baker, Andrew Lambourne, Guy Rowston
Captioned television and hearing-impaired viewers. The report of a national survey Journal article 1981 Joseph Blatt, James S Sulzer
Television captioning strategies. A systematic research and development approach Journal article 1981 Barbara B. Braverman
Closed-captioned television. Educational and sociological implications for hearing impaired learners Journal article 1981 Doris Cooper Caldwell
Guidelines for the subtitling of television programmes Book 1981 Robert G. Baker
The deaf audience for television Journal article 1980 B. A. Austin
Simultaneous speech transcription and TV captions for the deaf Book chapter 1980 Robert G. Baker, A. C. Downton, Alan F. Newell
Nonverbal communication as a sign language base & sign language translation for the theatre Book chapter 1980 Gil Eastman
Closed-captioned television. Today and tomorrow Journal article 1980 Barry J. Cronin
The effects of caption rate and language level on comprehension of a captioned video presentation Journal article 1980 Barbara B. Braverman, Melody Hertzog
Listening. A teachable skill for visually impaired persons Journal article 1979 R. W. Bischoff
Revolution auf dem Bildschirm. Die neuen Medien Videotext und Bildschirmtext Teletext Book 1979 Axel Buchholz, Alexander Kulpok
The deaf schoolchild. Language and cognitive function Book 1979 Richard Conrad
Sign a song Book chapter 1978 Shawn Kirchner
Les traductions synchrones Book chapter 1978 Christian Delmas
Le perle false del doppiaggio Journal article 1978 Claudio G. Fava
Theorie und Praxis der Synchronisation. Dargestellt am Beispiel einer Fernsehserie Book 1978 Gabriele Toepser-Ziegert
Sub-titling. The intelligent solution Book chapter 1978 Helene Reid