Below a list of publications dealing with media accessibility. Publications can be listed according to "Title", "Type" or "Year" by clicking on the header of each column.
List of Publications
Title Type Year Author(s)
Jequitibaobá do samba. O eco da voz do dono PhD thesis 2014 Luciano Carvalho Do Nascimento
Audio description of audiovisual programmes for the visually impaired in Hong Kong PhD thesis 2018 Dawning Leung
Ser ou não ser natural, eis a questão dos clichês de emoção na tradução audiovisual PhD thesis 2000 Vera Lúcia Santiago Araújo
Lifting the curtain on opera translation and accessibility. Translating opera for audiences with varying sensory ability PhD thesis 2014 Sarah Eardley-Weaver
Toward a theory of media reconciliation. An exploratory study of closed captioning PhD thesis 2012 Nicole Snell
Integral captions and subtitles. Designing a space for embodied rhetorics and visual access PhD thesis 2017 Janine Butler
A narratological approach to content selection in audio description PhD thesis 2016 Gert Vercauteren
Marcas de identificação de pessoas com deficiência visual em narrativas autobiográficas PhD thesis 2015 Felipe Leão Mianes
Immersion in audio description. The impact of style and vocal delivery on users’ experience PhD thesis 2017 Agnieszka Walczak
Subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing. A corpus-based methodology for the analysis of subtitles with a focus on segmentation and deletion PhD thesis 2008 Dimitra Kalantzi
La imagen dinámica. Parámetros de análisis para su traducción PhD thesis 2013 Antonio Javier Chica Núñez
Guión cinematográfico y guión audiodescriptivo. Un viaje de ida y vuelta PhD thesis 2015 María Pérez Payá
El texto fílmico audiodescrito. Mecanismos de cohesión intramodales e intermodales PhD thesis 2013 Gala Rodríguez Posadas
Diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de sistemas de traducción automática para reducir las barreras de comunicación de las personas sordas PhD thesis 2014 Verónica López Ludeña
Sound effect labelling in subtitling for the deaf and hard-of hearing. An experimental study on audience reception PhD thesis 2016 Aikaterini Tsaousi
Accesibilidad a la TDT en España para personas con discapacidad sensorial (2005-2007) PhD thesis 2008 Francisco Utray Delgado
Effect of changes in visual information patterns on student achievement using a captioned film and specially adapted still pictures PhD thesis 1972 Robert R. Davila
The effects of inserts and captions on learning with deaf subjects using motion and still pictures PhD thesis 1973 R. E. Nomeland
Currículo escolar e inclusão de estudantes com deficiência. Diálogos com uma escola pública PhD thesis 2015 Márcia Torres Neri Soares
Arte e inclusão. O ensino da arte na inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual no colégio Pedro II PhD thesis 2015 Leila Gross