Below a list of publications dealing with media accessibility. Publications can be listed according to "Title", "Type" or "Year" by clicking on the header of each column.
List of Publications
Title Type Year Author(s)
Effect of changes in visual information patterns on student achievement using a captioned film and specially adapted still pictures PhD thesis 1972 Robert R. Davila
The effects of closed-captioned television on the oral reading fluency of low socioeconomic 2nd grade students PhD thesis 2017 Kristina Ard Livingston
The effects of inserts and captions on learning with deaf subjects using motion and still pictures PhD thesis 1973 R. E. Nomeland
La metáfora como herramienta de acceso al conocimiento en las guías audiodescriptivas de museos de arte contemporáneo PhD thesis 2019 M. Olalla Luque Colmenero
Toward a theory of media reconciliation. An exploratory study of closed captioning PhD thesis 2012 Nicole Snell
Arte e inclusão. O ensino da arte na inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual no colégio Pedro II PhD thesis 2015 Leila Gross
Immersion in audio description. The impact of style and vocal delivery on users’ experience PhD thesis 2017 Agnieszka Walczak
The reception of subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing. Viewers' hearing and communication profile & subtitling speed of exposure PhD thesis 2017 Marta Miquel Iriarte
Desmistificando a neutralidade em ad via sistema de avaliatividade. Um estudo exploratório-descritivo sobre a assinatura avaliativa do audiodescritor de curtas de temática LGBT PhD thesis 2016 Juarez Nunes de Oliveira Junior
The verbalizations of the effects of the light and contrast in audio description PhD thesis 2014 Anna Maszerowska
Subtitling for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing. A reception study in the Turkish context PhD thesis 2019 Ali Gürkan
Proposta de parâmetros descritivos para audiodescrição de pinturas artísticas. Interface da tradução audiovisual acessível e a semiótica social-multimodalidade PhD thesis 2014 Marisa Ferreira Aderaldo
Uma proposta de audiodescrição de pinturas de Bruegel sob a perspectiva dos estudos da tradução e da semiótica social multimodal PhD thesis 2016 Maria da Salete Nunes
Study on the semi-automatisation of the translation and voicing of audio descriptions PhD thesis 2016 Anna Fernández-Torné
Voice-over in multilingual fiction movies in Poland. Translation and synchronization techniques, content comprehension and language identification PhD thesis 2016 Katarzyna Sepielak
A user-centred study of the norms for subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing on French television PhD thesis 2015 Laetitia Muller
Accessible web for deaf and hard of hearing with transparent multimodal sign language interpreter module PhD thesis 2011 Primoz Kosec
A audiodescrição na mediação dealunos com deficiência visual no ensino médio. Um estudo com a disciplina de geografia PhD thesis 2016 Ana Maria Lima Cruz
Audiodescrição em filmes. História, discussão conceitual e pesquisa de recepção PhD thesis 2014 Larissa Magalhães Costa
Estudio descriptivo y comparativo de la traducción de filmes plurilingües. El caso del cine británico de migración y diàspora PhD thesis 2014 Irene de Higes Andino