Effect of changes in visual information patterns on student achievement using a captioned film and specially adapted still pictures |
PhD thesis |
1972 |
Robert R. Davila |
The effects of closed-captioned television on the oral reading fluency of low socioeconomic 2nd grade students |
PhD thesis |
2017 |
Kristina Ard Livingston |
The effects of inserts and captions on learning with deaf subjects using motion and still pictures |
PhD thesis |
1973 |
R. E. Nomeland |
La metáfora como herramienta de acceso al conocimiento en las guías audiodescriptivas de museos de arte contemporáneo |
PhD thesis |
2019 |
M. Olalla Luque Colmenero |
Toward a theory of media reconciliation. An exploratory study of closed captioning |
PhD thesis |
2012 |
Nicole Snell |
Arte e inclusão. O ensino da arte na inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual no colégio Pedro II |
PhD thesis |
2015 |
Leila Gross |
Immersion in audio description. The impact of style and vocal delivery on users’ experience |
PhD thesis |
2017 |
Agnieszka Walczak |
The reception of subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing. Viewers' hearing and communication profile & subtitling speed of exposure |
PhD thesis |
2017 |
Marta Miquel Iriarte |
Desmistificando a neutralidade em ad via sistema de avaliatividade. Um estudo exploratório-descritivo sobre a assinatura avaliativa do audiodescritor de curtas de temática LGBT |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Juarez Nunes de Oliveira Junior |
The verbalizations of the effects of the light and contrast in audio description |
PhD thesis |
2014 |
Anna Maszerowska |
Subtitling for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing. A reception study in the Turkish context |
PhD thesis |
2019 |
Ali Gürkan |
Proposta de parâmetros descritivos para audiodescrição de pinturas artísticas. Interface da tradução audiovisual acessível e a semiótica social-multimodalidade |
PhD thesis |
2014 |
Marisa Ferreira Aderaldo |
Uma proposta de audiodescrição de pinturas de Bruegel sob a perspectiva dos estudos da tradução e da semiótica social multimodal |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Maria da Salete Nunes |
Study on the semi-automatisation of the translation and voicing of audio descriptions |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Anna Fernández-Torné |
Voice-over in multilingual fiction movies in Poland. Translation and synchronization techniques, content comprehension and language identification |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Katarzyna Sepielak |
A user-centred study of the norms for subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing on French television |
PhD thesis |
2015 |
Laetitia Muller |
Accessible web for deaf and hard of hearing with transparent multimodal sign language interpreter module |
PhD thesis |
2011 |
Primoz Kosec |
A audiodescrição na mediação dealunos com deficiência visual no ensino médio. Um estudo com a disciplina de geografia |
PhD thesis |
2016 |
Ana Maria Lima Cruz |
Audiodescrição em filmes. História, discussão conceitual e pesquisa de recepção |
PhD thesis |
2014 |
Larissa Magalhães Costa |
Estudio descriptivo y comparativo de la traducción de filmes plurilingües. El caso del cine británico de migración y diàspora |
PhD thesis |
2014 |
Irene de Higes Andino |