Publication Title
Minority languages, language planning and audiovisual translation
Publication Type
Book chapter
Title of edited book
The Routledge handbook of audiovisual translation
Year of publication


This chapter highlights often underestimated links between the fields of minority language (ML) media studies, sociolinguistics and translation studies. In doing so, it seeks to clarify key concepts relating to minority languages, language planning and policy (LPP) and audiovisual translation (AVT). It is hoped that drawing close attention to the past and current experience of minority languages will raise awareness of issues also of relevance to small, and many major languages, since they too are becoming minoritized in a world dominated by global English (Cronin 2003). The discussion is as wide-ranging as possible, within the inevitable space constraints, and draws on examples from around the world, while also addressing the European situation and the case of minority languages within the European Union. In an effort to avoid crude generalizations about minority languages and AVT, attention is drawn to the part played by such relevant variants as the asymmetry between individual language pairs; the implications of translation direction, i.e. translation into versus translation from a minority language; the relative language planning impact of various AVT modes and technologies; and the sociolinguistic needs of specific ML audiences.
Submitted by Belén Agulló on Wed, 12/12/2018 - 17:47