Publication Title
Web prototype for creating descriptions and playing videos with audio description using a speech synthesizer
Publication Type
Book chapter
Title of edited book
2016 8th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems (EATIS)
Year of publication
No pages


The audio description mechanism allows people with visual disabilities to access video content. Currently, commercial and open source tools exist with features such as creation of descriptions and play videos with audio description which are based on human voice recording. An alternative Web prototype is presented in this research with the aim of introducing a novelty way for accessing video content using a speech synthesizer. Assessment of the proposed prototype is accomplished from user experience perspective and accessibility perspective. It is considered a sample of participants with visual disabilities to evaluate the user experience. Outcomes from the assessment stand out that the prototype is intuitive and easy to use according to the Average System Usability Scale. Thus, functional users have great user experience when they use the prototype for playing videos with audio description. As general conclusion, it is concluded that the proposed prototype is a potential alternative tool for creating descriptions and playing videos with audio description.
Submitted by Aina Ibàñez i Roig on Fri, 03/05/2019 - 10:01