Publication Title
Accessible filmmaking. Joining the dots between audiovisual translation, accessibility and filmmaking
Publication Type
Journal article
The Journal of Specialised Translation
Year of publication
Despite a greatly increased volume of research over the past decade, audiovisual translation (AVT) and media accessibility and its main services (dubbing, subtitling, subtitling for deaf and hard-of-hearing people and audiodescription for blind and partially sighted people) are still an afterthought in the filmmaking process. This results in a lack of investment in this area and a worrying decrease in quality and working conditions.

The present article focuses on the notion of accessible filmmaking as a potential way to integrate AVT and accessibility during the filmmaking process through collaboration between filmmakers and translators. After a comparison between the historical background of videogame localisation and that of AVT and accessibility, the article focuses on three current examples of the implementation of accessible filmmaking: universal design applied to media accessibility, part-subtitling and creative subtitling. The article also presents the short documentary Joining the Dots (Romero-Fresco 2012) as a case of accessible filmmaking and discusses how this notion is being applied with regard to teaching, research and practice, as featured on the website
Submitted by Pablo Romero-Fresco on Wed, 26/10/2016 - 10:43