Publication Title
A audiodescrição dos sentimentos das personagens no filme "Um amigo inesperado"
English Translation
The audio description of characters’ feelings in the film "After Thomas"
Publication Type
Journal article
Revista da FAEEBA. Educação e contemporaneidade
Year of publication
Portuguese, Brazil
This article presents part of the results from CAD_TV (PosLA/ UECE/ BFP-FUNCAP) research project that, through a corpus based study, described the translation strategies in audio description scripts of programs broadcast on Brazilian television. In this perspective, the present work aims to analyse the discursive strategies in the audio description script of the movie "After Thomas" (2006) in order to recreate the expression of feelings among characters. In this sense, the following steps have been taken: (1) request of the audio described program of the broadcast; (2) transcription of the audio description using a specific software; (3) labelling of the AD script; (4) review of the labels; (5) identification of narrative-discursive recurrence in the scripts; (6) description and analyses of meaningful recurrence; and (7) comparison of the discursive strategies in the AD inserts with their correspondent movie images. In the present study, only the labels related to the classification of characters’ emotions were considered: emotional states, mental states and facial expressions. In general, the study revealed a parallel between visual movie signs and verbal signs in the AD script. In the grammatical-discursive level, it was noticed a clear tendency to invert the standard word position in a sentence, highlighting information related to a characters’ feelings.