Publication Title
Exclamations in the Turkish translation of subtitles from the series "Biohackers"
Publication Type
Journal article
Istanbul university journal of translation studies
Year of publication
Exclamations are words that are used in daily speech in particular, and even have meaning when used alone. When considering cross-language relativeness despite every language having its own usage of exclamations, some languages can be said to have similarities and differences between their exclamations. These differences and similarities may sometimes cause difficulty regarding the translation of exclamations, may cause none at all. How translation studies have discussed and evaluated exclamations, especially in terms of audiovisual translations, is a topic that has not been dwelled upon much. However, exclamations in audiovisual translations can be claimed to have had a significant role in the understandability and translatability of visual text. This study questions whether the translated subtitles correspond to the words spoken in a scene and chooses exclamations from six episodes of the German series Biohackers first season, initially released on Netflix in 2020, to underline this basis. The study will discuss and descriptively evaluate how exclamations in the series have been transmitted into Turkish through subtitle translations, which method the translator followed in doing this, what the role of the exclamations in the translation is, whether the exclamations cause a loss of meaning in the translation in cases where they are mistranslated, and whether the scene and the original actor’s voice have important roles regarding if an exclamation is translated.