Publication Title
"Ocean’s Eleven" scene 12. The sample as methodological cogitation – rationale and data
Publication Type
Journal article
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
Year of publication
no pages
This Special Issue on Audiovisual Translation and Interdisciplinarity has two interrelated goals: to promote methodological sensitivity and robustness in audiovisual translation research; and to give audiovisual translation research greater scope to capitalise on inter- disciplinary input.
It is based on a simple idea: to give contributors from different disciplinary, professional or other perspectives the same basic sample, here from a scene in Soderbergh’s 2001 heist film "Ocean’s Eleven", and invite them to respond to the sample in line with their theoretical and methodological outlooks, in their research, teaching or audiovisual translation (AVT) practices.
The aim is to use the in-built comparative dimension of this 'sample as methodological cogitation’ approach to pinpoint more tangibly and with greater precision the methodological specificities of the approaches represented, and appraise their respective merits and collective potential to inform methodological debates and advances in AVT research. The volume doubles up as a teaching tool, providing a template for application to other data in other contexts, including research training contexts.
It is based on a simple idea: to give contributors from different disciplinary, professional or other perspectives the same basic sample, here from a scene in Soderbergh’s 2001 heist film "Ocean’s Eleven", and invite them to respond to the sample in line with their theoretical and methodological outlooks, in their research, teaching or audiovisual translation (AVT) practices.
The aim is to use the in-built comparative dimension of this 'sample as methodological cogitation’ approach to pinpoint more tangibly and with greater precision the methodological specificities of the approaches represented, and appraise their respective merits and collective potential to inform methodological debates and advances in AVT research. The volume doubles up as a teaching tool, providing a template for application to other data in other contexts, including research training contexts.