Publication Title
Proyecto de investigación PluriTAV. Estudio cuasiexperimental de la aplicación de una secuencia didáctica centrada en el desarrollo de la competencia plurilingüe y pluricultural
English Translation
PluriTAV research project. Quasi-experimental study of the application of a didactic sequence focused on the development of plurilingual and pluricultural competence
Publication Type
Journal article
Revista de lenguas para fines específicos
Year of publication
The potential of audiovisual translation (AVT) in foreign language (FL) didactics has been demonstrated by several authors (Lertola, 2019) and projects, such as LeViS (Sokoli, 2006) or ClipFlair (Baños and Sokoli, 2015). However, their usefulness in the development of plurilingual and pluricultural competence (PPC) is still relatively unexplored (Baños et al., 2021). This competence –which is included in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures (FREPA)– advocates moving away from the exclusive use of FL and bets on plural approaches in the classroom. It is in this scenario that PluriTAV (Audiovisual translation as a tool for the development of plurilingual competences in the classroom, 2016-2019) emerged, a research project whose aim was to work on the multilingual approach through AVT in three areas: the improvement of competences in FLs and mother tongues, and the development of PPC.
This article presents the theoretical basis of PluriTAV, as well as the design and results of the empirical implementation of a didactic sequence (DS) focused on interlingual dubbing. This DS includes examples of activities that explore the impact of intra- and interlinguistic transfers on the development of PPC by university students of English for specific purposes with a B2 level of English. The article concludes with some reflections on the results of the design and implementation of the DS, on the possibilities of adapting it to other educational contexts and levels, and on the potential of AVT in the acquisition of PPC in higher education.
This article presents the theoretical basis of PluriTAV, as well as the design and results of the empirical implementation of a didactic sequence (DS) focused on interlingual dubbing. This DS includes examples of activities that explore the impact of intra- and interlinguistic transfers on the development of PPC by university students of English for specific purposes with a B2 level of English. The article concludes with some reflections on the results of the design and implementation of the DS, on the possibilities of adapting it to other educational contexts and levels, and on the potential of AVT in the acquisition of PPC in higher education.