Publication Title
Zur Übersetzung dialektaler Pejorative. Am Beispiel des Wienerischen und des Lviver Urbanolekts
English Translation
On the translation of dialectal pejoratives. The example of Viennese and Lviv Urbanolects
Publication Type
Journal article
Year of publication
no pages


This article is dedicated to the problem of translating pejorative words and phrases using the example of two linguistic varieties - the Viennese and the Lviv / Lemberg urban language (as a variety of the Ukrainian language). Four criteria are proposed that can be taken as a basis for the translation: the intensity, the morphological and lexical-semantic features, the frequency of use and the stylistics. Since many pejorativa in both urban varieties belong to the fecal-anal domain, a literal translation is often not possible. For those cases where a literal translation does not work, a number of possibilities is proposed, depending on whether they are formal, metaphorical or metonymic pejoratives, which work in the speech act of "insult", or constitute other aggressive speech acts such as curses , threats, maledictions, aggressive calls, pejorative remarks or comparisons. Owe owe the freedom of translating pejorativa to the following peculiarity of their lexical meaning: the significant aspect of meaning plays a subordinate role, while the connotative (negative-emotive) aspect of meaning is in the foreground.
Submitted by Julia Gonzalo on Tue, 08/06/2021 - 02:18