Publication Title
Análise fonético-fonológica dos padrões entoacionais do português brasileiro e do inglês norte-americano no filme "Shrek" (2001)
Publication Type
PhD thesis
Year of publication

Portuguese, Brazil

Repositório UNESP
This dissertation is concerned about syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of intonation in two languages: Brazilian Portuguese and North American English. The subject is researched through a comparative study of the audio material from the movie Shrek (2001). The choice for this kind of corpus was driven by the necessity of controlling some variables as regards the expression of meaning, such as: the fact that the researcher has access to the situational
context and background of the communication, there is a similar linguistic context for both voice actors (the original’s and the dubbed version’s), an artistic or means of communication environment emphasizes language expression through voice and, finally, there is an appropriate linguistic material for a comparative analysis. The description of the intonation patterns was done by adopting a systemic functional theory, and then the systems of tonality, tonicity and tone were considered. We also looked at the data from the perspective of the Autosegmental-metrical Intonational Phonology, focusing on the alignment of tonal events. In the face of the results, we can highlight, amongst the factors for the choice for specific tunes, the interpretation of the dubbing staff, the interferences from the translation in the production of meaning, especially in relation to syntax, and the role played by tonicity. Besides, it was also possible to raise some of the languages preferred choices, such as: the overall predominance of assertive tones; preference for a sustaining tone in Portuguese whereas in English the preference was for the tones which showed some sort of completeness; preference for choosing to mark tonicity on the verbs in Portuguese, but not in English. Finally, as regards the methodology applied to this research, we can conclude that the corpus is very appropriate for the investigation proposed, and that both theoretical approaches to the description of intonation informed the results as regards the expression of meaning.

Submitted by Samira Spolidorio on Wed, 07/11/2018 - 02:35