Publication Title
Creactive subtitles. Subtitling for all
Publication Type
PhD thesis
Year of publication
This thesis contributes to the theory and practice of subtitling for the deaf and the hard-of-hearing (SDH), especially for deaf children. After the analysis of current SDH practices, in which inconsistency has been found quite regularly in the conveyance of non-verbal elements (sound effects, paralinguistic features and music), the research in hand steps forward and suggests a completely newly designed subtitling code targeted at younger audiences: creactive subtitles. Creactive subtitles present the non-verbal information visually, by means of comics' language conventions. They are an innovative proposal that changes the manner subtitles have been commonly conceived, since they are tailor-made according to the particular needs resulting from deaf children's sensory disability. In a case study, creactive subtitles have been tested with their intended audience. As the results show, their intrinsic characteristics, i.e. dynamism, creativity and animated style, have contributed to the great reception they got not only from deaf children but also from their hearing peers. Therefore, creactive subtitles are inclusive subtitles, subtitles for all.