Publication Title
Study on assessing and promoting e-accessibility
Publication Type
Year of publication
This report presents the results and conclusions from a study on assessing and promoting e‐accessibility that was conducted on behalf of the European Commission. The main aims of the study were to take stock of the extent of e‐accessibility across the EU27 countries and some key third countries, as well as the policy efforts that have emerged in this area. The focus was on e‐accessibility in three key domains – the World Wide Web, telecoms and television.
The core objective was to benchmark the current situation in relation to e-accessibility, using an appropriate set of indicators. In addition to providing evidence that can help to inform about EU policy in this field, the results may be useful for other relevant stakeholders (at pan-European and Member State levels) in their efforts to promote progress in e-accessibility across Europe. The conceptual approach and results of the study can also contribute to the ongoing efforts to develop effective monitoring systems in the e-accessibility field in Europe.
The core objective was to benchmark the current situation in relation to e-accessibility, using an appropriate set of indicators. In addition to providing evidence that can help to inform about EU policy in this field, the results may be useful for other relevant stakeholders (at pan-European and Member State levels) in their efforts to promote progress in e-accessibility across Europe. The conceptual approach and results of the study can also contribute to the ongoing efforts to develop effective monitoring systems in the e-accessibility field in Europe.