Publication Title
Toolkit on providing, delivering and campaigning for audio description on television and film
Publication Type
Year of publication
The WBU Toolkit on audio description has brought together an impressive constellation of international partners, projects, and resources to share their experiences on the development of audio description.
Toolkit goals
• It is designed to share information on the development of audio description across countries.
• It seeks to support information needs of key stakeholders working to improve access to television in different countries e.g. people working within local, national and international blindness organisations who want to campaign for audio description, It also contains information that will be useful to government personnel and NGO partners who are getting involved in a campaign to provide or increase audio description.
• It provides technical information on the delivery of audio description that professionals working in media organisations may find useful.
• It endeavours to generate ideas and provide some stepping stones for key stakeholders to get started in planning, managing and monitoring campaigns to achieve or increase audio description provision in their respective countries.
• It aims to encourage more and more countries to support access to television programmes and films for people living with sight loss. The United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in Article 30 Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport states "enjoy access to television programmes, films, theatre and other cultural activities, in accessible formats".
Toolkit goals
• It is designed to share information on the development of audio description across countries.
• It seeks to support information needs of key stakeholders working to improve access to television in different countries e.g. people working within local, national and international blindness organisations who want to campaign for audio description, It also contains information that will be useful to government personnel and NGO partners who are getting involved in a campaign to provide or increase audio description.
• It provides technical information on the delivery of audio description that professionals working in media organisations may find useful.
• It endeavours to generate ideas and provide some stepping stones for key stakeholders to get started in planning, managing and monitoring campaigns to achieve or increase audio description provision in their respective countries.
• It aims to encourage more and more countries to support access to television programmes and films for people living with sight loss. The United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in Article 30 Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport states "enjoy access to television programmes, films, theatre and other cultural activities, in accessible formats".